Teresa Goree
Teresa serves as President of the North County Generals. She feels blessed to be part of this amazing company of saints who are passionate for God and advancing the Kingdom. Teresa worked side by side with Delinda and is honored to be a part of this ministry and committed to following the Holy Spirit as He moves the Generals forward into His plan and purpose in the earth.
She is the lead intercessor of Holy Spirit Prayer, oversees the prayer ministry and prayer classes that teach and train others about Corporate Holy Spirit Prayer. She does much of the technology for the Generals, such as web design, Eventbrite, conference programs, and our Healing Rooms App. Teresa is also the Associate Director of the Atascadero Healing Rooms.
She believes the Lord called her to this region and to this ministry for such a time as this. The Lord also led her to write a book, "God is Well Pleased With You" and a workbook about prayer called, "Corporate Holy Spirit Prayer". Teresa is dedicated to the Lord and to see people enter into their destiny and all the fullness of God provided through Christ.
Teresa grew up in Atascadero, but spent many years in Missouri where she raised her 4 children, taught school, served in church and ministered at the International Association of Healing Rooms in Washington, MO.
Debra Gifford
Debra grew up in Sacramento and met her husband, Jim, while attending Vanguard University, a Christian college in Costa Mesa. During that time, she was a featured soloist at a Christian band that toured Europe and the US.
This is when she first became aware of a prophetic gifting as she prayed over people, however there was no name for it back then. Later at First Assembly, she was involved in women's ministries, dramas, choir, solos, and lead some trios and worship services. The next six years for Debra at the House of Glory were like boot camp in the prophetic, worship team and spontaneous song. She also served on the board there and in prophetic presbytery. When that church closed they went to Kingsway. She was on Apostle Brad's worship team and they headed the prophetic ministry. That church also closed, and they began to get teased about having the ministry of closing churches.
Currently they have been at the local Vineyard for 19 years (and it hasn't closed) and worked concurrently at the Healing Rooms for fourteen of those years. During that time, Debra facilitated a listening prayer group for three years because she was passionate about helping people hear His voice clearly every day, which brings a constant awareness of His presence. Deborah has been with the Generals for about 8 years and she is excited about the healing and restoration that takes place there. She loves to see people walk out their giftings and feels it is having a huge impact on the county.
Maureen Fountain
Maureen grew up in Southern California and became part of a Jesus People group in 1972 that provided witnessing adventures across the western US, oftentimes via hitchhiking and with no visible means of support. It was truly living by faith and watching God daily provide. After marrying and having 3 kids, she and her husband set out as faith missionaries to discover the wonders of the Latin life, birthing 4 more kids, and experiencing God's hand as they reared and taught their children and shared a soul-winning message.
Maureen continues to be a vibrant disciple. She loves the honor given the Holy Spirit at the Generals and longs to experience more of that and share it with others. Teaching a weekly Bile study with her husband, volunteering at a food pantry, praying at the Atascadero Healing Rooms and wherever the Lord leads, she wants to see God move and His love encountered as His Kingdom is established on earth.
Maureen helps lead the Holy Spirit Prayer Ministry and teach the Corporate Holy Spirit Prayer Classes. Her love for the presence of God and the revelation she shares is an inspiration to all.
Diana Sims
Board Member
Diana serves as the Treasurer for North County Generals. Her strengths are in Administrative Duties and anything else she can help with to serve the body of Christ.
Diana has a heart for women's ministry. She has been a part of Care and Share for over 10 years. Diana loves to help people feel comfortable, encouraged and loved. She doesn't take lightly how people have poured into her life and she's always ready to give back.
Diana and her husband have raised two sons and have lived in Creston for 25 years. They grew up and met in Atascadero. Diana describes herself as "committed". She's committed to Christ and to sharing His love.
Candi Earl
Board Member
Candi serves as the Associate Treasurer for North County Generals. Blessed with the Gift of Administration, she feels it is a joy to be able to serve in this capacity. Candi and her family have resided in San Luis Obispo County for over 40 years and she has a heart for the people of her community. Candi has served in Women's Ministry at her churches and is currently serving as a peer counselor at the local pregnancy support center.
Candi's desire is for everyone to come into and enjoy the fullness of all that God has for them. Her greatest pleasure is seeing people become victorious over the strongholds or chains that try to tear them down or keep them in the darkness. Candi fully believes in the Mission of North County Generals to "Fill, Restore and Launch" God's greatest treasures, His people.
Teresa Potter
Board Member
Teresa serves as Secretary for the North County Generals. Teresa grew up in Southern California and moved to Atascadero in the early 70’s. She raised 3 daughters, was
actively involved in her church, served as bible study leader and was part of a ministry at a retirement home in San Luis Obispo for nine years.
Teresa became a part of the Generals ministry in 2017 and has been actively involved since. She is on the board serving as secretary, helps facilitate the Wednesday night
ministry “In The Secret Place” and helps where needed. She believes God led her to this group and has a purpose and a plan for Generals. Teresa has a deep love for the
Lord and wants to be a part of helping others find their purpose in Him.
Sheri Covert
Sheri Covert became born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1981. She had a radical conversion at that time and has been serving the Lord ever since. She and her late husband served in various ministries over their 33 year marriage. Sheri is the mother of five grown children and soon to be a grandma, to which she is overjoyed! Her market place ministry as a certified massage therapist has been an open door for the Lord to bring healing, hope and
encouragement to many whom she lays hands on.
Sheri is currently the director of the Atascadero Healing Rooms and serves in leadership with the North County Generals ministry. She loves to encourage the body of Christ in who they are in Christ Jesus! Sheri is a seasoned prayer warrior, who loves to move in the gifts of prophesy and teaching.